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4. Kölner Festival der Religionen: 4. Mai 2025

Faiths In Tune und Sommerblut feiern Demokratie mit dem 4. Kölner Festival der Religionen im Stollwerck am 4. Mai 2025. Künstler*innen und Gemeinden können sich noch bis zum 31. März zur Teilnahme anmelden.  

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8. Berliner Festival der Religionen: 27. Juli 2025

Es geht weiter mit dem Berliner Festival der Religionen, das zum 8. Mal am Sonntag, 27. Juli 2025 in der ufaFabrik in Berlin stattfinden wird.  Interessierte Künstler*innen und Gemeinden können sich ab sofort zur Teilnahme anmelden!

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Faiths In Tune kehrt zurück nach London im September 2023

Nach einer viel zu langen Pause bringen wir endlich auch wieder Musik nach London! Unser Mini-Festival ist Teil des wohltätigen London Interfaith Run.

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Internationales Jugendcamp "Knüpfwerk" in Rom 2023

Faiths In Tune veranstaltet in Kooperation mit The Upper Room (Wien) und Magnificat Institute (Jerusalem) vom 27. Juli bis 5. August 2023 in Castel Gandolfo / Rom das internationale interreligiösen Musicalcamp "Knüpfwerk" für Jugendliche aus Deutschland, Italien, Israel, Palästina und Österreich. 

Alle Infos...

coexist interfaith music festival soas london

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Alle Einnahmen kommen der Organisation zukünftiger Festivals zu Gute.


The British Museum

The British Museum

The British Museum serves as generous host for our London Interfaith Music Festival since 2016

ufaFabrik Berlin

ufaFabrik Berlin

Our venue and partner for our Berlin Interfaith Music Festival.

City of Cologne

City of Cologne

Our partner for our Cologne festival edition



Our festival partner in Cologne



Faiths In Tune and Dialogperspektiven, a German interfaith student programme, are organising a joint series of interfaith workshops which will result in an exhibition at the 1st Berlin festival in July 2016.

The Upper Room Logo

The Upper Room Logo

The Upper Room - our project partner for Knüpfwerk

Magnificat Institute Jerusalem

Magnificat Institute Jerusalem

Magnificat Institute - our project partner for Knüpfwerk

The Faith & Belief Forum

The Faith & Belief Forum

(Formerly 3FF) Our trusted partner since the beginning for our events and festivals in London

Berliner Forum der Religionen

Berliner Forum der Religionen

Our partner for our Berlin Festivals and selected projects

European Institute for Dialogue

European Institute for Dialogue

Faiths In Tune is a founding member of the European Institute for Dialogue.



The KAICIID Centre for Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue has supported Faiths In Tune events and projects with Microgrants. Faiths In Tune Director Anja Fahlenkamp is a 2019 International KAICIID Fellow.

Network for Dialogue

Network for Dialogue

Faiths In Tune is a member of the Network for Dialogue, which brings together organisations that work with dialogue to promote the inclusion of refugees and migrants across Europe.



Our festival partner in Dresden

SOAS, University of London

SOAS, University of London

As the host of Faiths In Tune's Interfaith Music Festival in London from 2012-2015, SOAS University has been indispensible for the festival and a number of people in particular have been incredibly helpful and supportive, including the SOAS Events Office with Payal Gaglani-Bhatt and Tom White, the SOAS Equality and Diversity Office with Deb Viney, the SOAS AV support team, the SOAS Students' Union with Peter Baran and the SOAS Director, Paul Webley.



Faiths In Tune and its Director Anja Fahlenkamp are a member of ACWAY ("A Common Word Among the Youth"), an international leadership network of young interfaith advocates and activists. Faiths In Tune has launched its interfaith music initiatie "A Common Sound" in association with ACWAY in 2016.

Avicenna Studienwerk - UZMD

Avicenna Studienwerk - UZMD

The programme "Unsere Zukunft. Mit Dir!" ("Our future. With you!") of the Avicena Foundation is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and has contributed funds towards our 2018 Berlin festival.

Maccabi GB

Maccabi GB

Our partner at the London Interfaith Run



The Center for Studies on New Religions is a partner for our FIRMA Festival in Turin since 2018.

Salone Internazionale del Libro

Salone Internazionale del Libro

The Turin International Book Fair is a partner for our FIRMA Festival in Turin since 2018.

Mayor of Berlin

Mayor of Berlin

Berlin's Mayors Michael Müller and Franziska Giffey have been the official patrons for our Berliner Festival der Religionen.

BVV Tempelhof Schöneberg

BVV Tempelhof Schöneberg

Supporter of our Berlin festival

Gemeinsam in Tempelhof-Schöneberg

Gemeinsam in Tempelhof-Schöneberg

Demokratie Leben!

Demokratie Leben!

Hertha BSC

Hertha BSC

Official sponsor of our Berlin Festival

Landessportbund Berlin

Landessportbund Berlin

House Of One

House Of One

The House Of One is a project to build an interfaith prayer house in central Berlin, and one of our partners in Berlin.

Lange Nacht der Religionen Berlin

Lange Nacht der Religionen Berlin

The Lange Nacht der Religionen ("Long Night of Religions") is our partner event in Berlin in 2018.

Investitionsbank Berlin

Investitionsbank Berlin

The Investitionsbank Berlin has generously co-sponsored our Berlin Festival in 2017.

Dr. Buhmann Stiftung

Dr. Buhmann Stiftung

The Dr. Buhmann Stiftung supported our 2017 and 2018 Berlin festivals.

LOTTO Stiftung Berlin

LOTTO Stiftung Berlin

The Berlin Lottery Foundation has made our first ever Berlin Interfaith Music Festivals ("Festival der Religionen") in 2016 and 2017 possible with its generous funding

Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft

Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft

The German non-profit organisation Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft is collaborating with Faiths In Tune on Festivals in London in 2016 and Berlin in 2017.

Plakat Kultur

Plakat Kultur

Plakat Kultur is our official media partner for the Berliner Festival der Religionen 2016.

IKT Dresden

IKT Dresden

Intercultural Days Dresden

Sacred Music NY

Sacred Music NY

We are currently working together with Sacred Music NY on a joint festival to take place in New York in 2017/18.

KISS Security

KISS Security

KISS Security is our official security partner in Berlin.

Jalou City

Jalou City

Jalou City is kindly supporting our Berlin festival.

Edeka Lenkeit

Edeka Lenkeit

The Edeka Lenkeit supermarket in Berlin is kindly supporting our Berlin festival.

Pannier Schulungen

Pannier Schulungen

Zürcher Forum der Religionen

Zürcher Forum der Religionen

Yorck Kinogruppe

Yorck Kinogruppe

The Berlin-based Yorck cinema group is one of our media partners for the Berlin festival, as we are launching an official cinema trailer in 2017 to let Berliners know about the festival.

The Rabbani Project

The Rabbani Project

Rabiah and Sakinah from the Rabbani Project have been extremely helpful in recommending numerous artists (and performing on stage themselves as Pearls of Islam), as well as by setting up a wonderful main stall at the Interfaith Fairs accompanying the 2012 and 2013 festivals.

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